Monday, August 11, 2008

handy tip on how to increase jetty HttpClient threadpool size in ServiceMix 3.2.2

I was recently working on some jetty related issue in Servicemix 3.2 and got Servicemix people to update servicemix-http component to have configurable jetty httpClient thread pool size. Before I forget it I wanted to make a note of it so adding this entry.

In Servicemix 3.2.2 and onwards jetty HttpClient threadpool can be configured using following entry in file.

Also, you can configure Servicemix to use Jetty httpClient per httpProvider (by default a single client is shared among all httpProviderEndpoints) by adding


Also from ServiceMix 3.2.2 onwards Jetty HttpClient uses nio channel selector implementation of jetty. (previously it was using socket connector which was blocking I/O and was causing thread locking in thread pool in some stress conditions)

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